Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Did You Like the Harry Potter Ending?
What did you think?
Monday, July 23, 2007
My Budget
42.8%= If you want to retire young, you have to make sacrifices, I have sacrificed buying a new car, a larger house, driving in to work, and going out to lunch among other things.
25.5%= There are areas here I could definitely cut back on, but I don't want my wife to feel like she is living under siege, so for our happiness I spend more than I need to. Roughly 59% of my spending comes from mortgages and home ownership fees.
31.6%- Despite the fact that my wife and I pretty much max out our 401K, the Government takes nearly 1/3 of my income (not including sales, gas, or other taxes). I wonder what the percentages would be if they didn't use my money on pointless wars, farm subsidies, bridges to nowhere, and a social security program I won't get to take advantage of. By my calculations, if I didn't have to pay taxes, I could retire in 5 years.
Friday, July 20, 2007
How Not to Invest in Stocks: Learn From My Stupidity

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Screw Moderation: In Praise of Immoderation

For me, it's vital I sculpt and follow through on my own unique vision of what my life should be, and not be beholden of what some established wisdom says my life should be. Part of who I am and hope to be is defined by comparison to this mold.
To define myself I have to do something truly unique and this requires that I sometimes be immoderate.
Here are some immoderate things I hope to accomplish:
- Finish in the money at the World Series of Poker- impossible? how to know if I haven't tried?
- Retire Early- How early? While I'm still young enough to appreciate not having to work.
- Skydive- Hopefully my chute won't be full of silverware.
- Visit the Galapagos Islands- not really all that immoderate, but definitely not the height of moderation.
- Move to a Caribbean Island-or a similarly sunny island. Sunlight and warmth= happiness. Given a choice, I chose a place with a headstart on making me happy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Why Owning is Almost Always Better Than Renting

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Should I become a Poker Geek?

Monday, July 16, 2007
Season Tickets: Incredible Waste of Money?
This may be an incredible waste of money, but I hope that I can recoup around $300- $400 back by reselling some of my tickets. In addition, a friend of mine runs a ticket website, so hopefully he will come in handy.
Unlike other wastes of money, this waste, at least, is guaranteed to make me happy, so it has that going for it. Given what I could have blown my money on (fancy car, fancy gadgets) this purchase is more about making me happy, and less about showing off to other people.
I strongly believe in moderated frugality, where you make small little treats to yourself (according to your means) and avoid large purchases which will add little to your overall level of happiness.
Still, this purchase may have exceeded moderation, what do you think?
Lessons Learned from Investing Thus Far

For any large cap stock, there is almost no way that Main Street can out-know or out-smart Wall Street, so there is usually never any type of sure thing among these stocks.
To outperform Wall Street, you have to take on a lot more risk by wading into smaller caps or options or other risky areas. However these seem like very risky waters, and I am going to be wading into them very cautiously.
The other lesson I have learned from investing is the basic mechanism of trading. Things such as never placing market orders (always place limit orders) and the other nitty gritty of how to trade.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I'm getting into the 0% Game
After finally getting a question answered the other day, I have been able to determine the two harms that are caused by the 0% game:
- High Debt/Credit Limit Ratio- this will be fixed as soon as I pay off 0% balance.
- A lot of inquiries (hard credit pulls) on my account- this is counted on my record for a year, though it only makes up 10% of my credit score.
Since I don't think I will need to take a loan out for the next year, it looks like the 0% game is beckoning me.
The other concern is never missing a payment, but that is what Outlook Calendar is for.
Have you or would you ever get into the 0% game?
Lessons Learned From Tracking My Expenses

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Retire Young or Enjoy Your Work?

I can see the arguments going both ways, but for me, all work, no matter how enjoyable, is going to be a lot suckier than the joy of not having to work at all.
New Use for Zecco: Selling at a Loss

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sacrificing Your Life For Your Wife

How to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

- Keep your Poorer Friends- The instinct to splurge money on all sorts of conspicuous consumption would definitely be higher if I hung around my co-workers more. The same effect would kick in if I lived in a really expensive house.
- Get Everyone on the Same Page- My wife and I are on roughly the same page, we have the same goals though I think we have different priorities, we both want a family and to retire early.
- Buy ourselves some nice things- It doesn't feel like we are denying ourselves too much when we both have a few expensive things to appease us. She has a house and an expensive engagement ring, and I have a Tivo. She apparently needs more expensive appeasement than I. :)
- Don't feel the Need to Keep Up With the Jones-I don't need to waste my money in order to show how cool I am.
I know other people allocate a certain amount of their paycheck automatically to Vanguard or something, and that could definitely work, though its not for me. My investments are being spread around a number of places.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Should I Sell Out like Other PFBlogs? (Poll)

So recently I was contacted by a payday loan company wishing to advertise on my site. This caused me a giant moral problem in that payday loans are in almost every case an awful idea which trap people into cycles of debt dependency and cause human misery.
On the other hand my blog barely makes any money (2 cents a day is a good day), and writing two posts a day for 1 cent a post can be disheartening.
Other sites, like The Simple Dollar and Lazy Man and Money, and a bunch of other sites do advertise payday loans. I think sites like The Simple Dollar and LMM really sacrifice a lot of moral high ground by doing it however.
What do you guys think?
Alternate Income Streams: Betting Against Zealots

Monday, July 9, 2007
Pointy Haired Bosses Beware! A Few Tips on Constructive Criticism

- CC'ed people unnecessarily- If you are going to criticize one person by comparing them to another person, you should not cc other people, including the person whose writing I supposedly should try to emulate, and another co-worker. Being criticized in front of an audience was humiliating.
- Not Value the Work I had done- I drafted almost the entire paper, I worked my butt off while PHB was on vacation, including working till 10:30 on Friday night and another 10 hours on Saturday.
- Gave Generic Praise- Couching criticism by first saying something positive is a good strategy, but it can be obvious if you are going to say something phoney. This almost made things worse.
- Not Leading By Example- He did almost nothing on this project, other than spend 2 hours looking it over, after I had spent 50 hours researching and drafting it while he was on vacation.
- Criticizing By Email- Email is a whole lot less personal and email is really easy to misinterpret, especially with regards to tone. When you criticize someone, you need to be especially careful your tone isn't misinterpreted. Avoid email.
This whole incident has definitely caused me to give serious thought to moving up my timetable on when to quit my job.
I am a Daytrader (Apparently)
Yes the $.20 I made is definitely not worth the extra amount of effort I created for myself in reporting that $.20 to the IRS, but I view it as a valuable learning experience.
The more experience I build up with trading, the better I will understand how I should be executing my orders. Hopefully, that $.20 will pay off big time.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Happiest Place on Earth
Check out this video. This is the happiest place on earth, and they accomplish it with pig tusks as currency.
Actually, the video makes a valid point about the importance of community and family relations to happiness and the unimportance of money.
It's something I need to keep in mind, even as I go grubbing for as much money as I can. I'm accumulating money so that I don't have to worry or think about money, it's a means, not an end.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Gooooooals Update!

Baby Boomers Should Be Taxed Until They Cry . . .

The Baby Boomers Will Bankrupt the System-the flood of baby boomers retiring will mean a lot more in withdrawals and a lot less in contributions. Young people will be stuck with the bill: either by paying more in Social Security taxes or by receiving far less in benefits.
The Baby Boomers Allowed the System to be Bankrupted-it was Baby Boomers who allowed politicians to not fix the problems and to systematically raid Social Security to pay for tax cuts, military spending, social spending and other expenditures which amounted to screw-the-next generation for an immediate reward policies. Now, that the Baby Boomers have become vastly more wealthy than the younger generations, its time for them to pay for their own problems.
Two Possible Solutions
- Fix the Problem Now- Baby Boomers' Social Security benefits should be cut or the retirement age raised NOW. No more of this grandfathering into the previous generous benefits levels. Baby boomers should take an immediate and severe hit to their level of retirement payouts. They broke this, they shouldn't be footing younger generations with the bill.
- Let Future Generations Chose- I should be given the choice about whether to invest the combined $10,0000 that's paid by my employer and I to Social Security in a government-run system that can't even beat 8% returns, or in the market by myself. If that causes older generations to have a funding problem, they have only themselves to blame.
One thing is clear, the fair solution is to adopt a "you broke it, you should fix it" solution. Baby Boomers and those who enabled the politicians to allow the system to go bankrupt, should now shoulder the burden of ensuring that future generations aren't vastly screwed over.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Will I be Bored in Early Retirement?

- Developing my non-work life, making friends, developing hobbies and fun things to do to the extent that my non-work life outshines any enjoyment I derive from work.
- Not over-obsess about money, so that when I finally have enough, I will recognize that fact, and let go my obsession.
- Realize that I should do work that I enjoy, but that the most enjoyable thing is to not have to work at all.
- Have a family that I can love and spend time with.
8 Things You Didn't Know About Me
Major thanks to One Frugal Girl for tagging me, I am a big time admirer of her great site. Here are 8 things you may not know about me:
- Once I hit my goals on the invest-o-meter, I'm quitting my job and working for the Government. Every time I call anyone from the Government after 5 PM they've always left for the day. What a life!
- I once won a trip to Disney World, but had to stay in my hotel room the whole time. Doh!
- My wife is a saint for putting up with me. . . No, seriously, she is.
- When I was 8, I fell asleep in the car, my parents woke me up to go to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. I walked in still asleep and sat down at the wrong table with the wrong family.
- I once spent the night on a park bench in Queens.
- I've lost two $500 poker pots in my life to people holding 2,4.
- This blog makes aproximately $.02 a day. Gotta love Google Adsense.
- I scored a near perfect SAT score, for whatever thats worth.
Continuing the tag love, I'm tagging:
I would tag Blueprint to Financial Prosperity, but I doubt I'm a big enough fish to garner his attention.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Investment Newsletters- Are they Worth It?
Here's what I have been able to come up with:
- Risks- This is not free money, with the possibility of great returns comes the possibility of great risk. Any investments in their small cap value stocks could easily tank by more than 50%.
- Cost- At $175+ you are basically paying a tremedous cost on any type of small investments. However, given the risks involved, you would be ill-advised to put too many of your assets into their reccomendations.
- First Mover Advantage- In order to maximize your returns, you probably need to invest as soon as the recommendation comes out to get in on the reccomendation bump, this might cause you to do less research and cause you to make more mistakes.
- Newsletter Bait and Switch- I suspect that the Motley Fool, like other newsletter companies, has newsletters that tank. They then discontinue the tanking newsletters and make it look like they are brilliant geniuses for having so many newsletters that outperform the market.
- It could be a short-term fluctuation-It could be the types of stocks they are reccomending are on a temporary high and are headed for a crash.
Thats what I have been able to come up with, I would love to hear people's thoughts on this.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
My First Stock

I stumbled across a stock that I really liked, Novartis (NVS), and the more I read, the more I liked, and I decided that all things considered it made sense to enter now. I bought 62 shares out of my Zecco account and it all went smoothly (though in retrospect I should have used a limit order, rather than a market order)
Here's my thoughts on the stock:
- I like their business prospects- Its a global pharmaceutical company which stands poised to capitalize on the greying of the baby boomers in developed countries. While it suffers from the threats facing most pharmaceuticals (expired patents, increased competition from generics, increased lawsuits, increasingly regulatory climate) for various reasons it appears to be in a better or equal position vis-a-vis these risks than its competitors.
- Analysts like it- It has a 5 star rating from Morningstar and S&P, and the talk on the Motley Fool's website has been pretty positive.
- The stock doesn't seem to be overpriced- The PEG is like 1.25 and the P/E ratio and other measures don't seem to make it overpriced. Most analysts fair value of the stock is higher than the current stock price.
- No looming problems- It seems to be dedicating a significant portion of its revenues to R&D, and doesn't seem to have a large debt problem.
Of course, this being my first stock purchase, it's very possible I don't know what I'm doing. Only time will tell.
My Identity Revealed.... Grrrr.....

So assuming a whole bunch of my friends know about my dreams to retire young, is that a bad thing?
I guess the one area of concern for me is having my friends know my net worth. Obviously one reason I do not want them knowing this is privacy. Privacy contains some utility all of its own. I would not like everyone to see nude pictures of me, even if I never met any of the people who had seen them.
But the bigger reason is jealousy. I have always been a big believer that human nature is both good and bad, and a big laugher at the people who think that they have somehow overcome the instinct to be bad, its usually those holier-than-thou fools who are the worst sort of humans.
Its human nature to resent people who you feel are comparatively better off, and exposing my numbers to all of my friends just leaves me wide open to that kind of feeling, even though I never sought my friends to know.
So, I probably won't talk about my net worth numbers anymore, except in general terms. Its not worth losing friends over.